Value of the programme from the EEA Grants: EUR 20 000 000
Operator: Ministry of the Environment with support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Purpose and areas of support
The co-financing will be granted to projects aimed at:
increasing capacity to manage and monitor Natura 2000 sites effectively,
improving the environmental conditions for the species in Natura 200,
increasing protection of native ecosystems against invasive alien species; including the study and monitoring of the occurrence of invasive alien species,
increasing the awareness and education in biodiversity and promotion of the environmental friendly attitude.
Selection of projects
It is planned to conduct two calls for proposals, including one under the Small Grants Scheme. In addition, pre-defined project will be implemented.
The programme will support so called large-scale projects and so-called small-scale projects, supported within the Small Grant Scheme. The Small Grants Scheme is directed only to non-governmental organisations.
Call for large-scale projects
Eligible beneficiaries: among others self-governments and associations of self-governments, National Forests, Forestry management, private companies, landscape parks, natural reserve, national parks, research institutions.
Grant amount and co-financing level
Grant amounts from EUR 170 000 to EUR 800 000. The co-financing: up to 85% eligible costs.
Partnership at the project level
Partnership is not required.
Calls for smale-scale projects within Small Grant Scheme (allocation: approx. EUR 4 000 000)
Eligible beneficiaries: non-governmental organisations
Grant amount and co-financing level
Grant amounts from EUR 50 000 to EUR 250 000. Co-financing at a level of 90%.
Partnership at the project level
Partnership is not required.
Pre-defined project
Within the programme a predefined project Biodiversity and ecosystems services – nation-wide awareness raising information campaign regarding the biological diversity will be implemented. It will be realized by the Department of Environmental Information of the Ministry of Environment. The allocation of the programme amounts to approx. EUR 743 750.
Operator: Ministry of the Environment with support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Partnership at programme level: Climate and Pollution Agency in Norway
Value of the programme from the EEA Grants: EUR 15 000 000
Purpose and the areas of support
The main objectives are focused on improving the quality of data and information about the environment. It is in particular to improve the efficiency and quality of environmental monitoring by providing know-how, reliable data sources, and specialized laboratory equipment and measurement, and also to strengthen control measures through the provision of appropriate procedures, tools and equipment.
The program is also designed to promote solutions to strengthen the capacity for land surveying and cartography services in the use of spatial information on the environment, in particular concerning hydrographic and hydrologic spatial data.
Selection of projects
The program will be implemented mainly through the four pre-defined projects. In addition, one call for proposals will be conducted.
Eligible beneficiaries: public sector entities
Grant amount and co-financing level
For the purpose of open call for proposals the minimum grant amounts to EUR 170 000 and the maximum grant amounts to EUR 897 625. The level of co-financing is up to 85% of eligible costs.
Pre-defined projects
Strengthening the air quality assessment system in Poland based on the experiences of Norway - the project will be implemented by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in a partnership with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (Norsk Institutt for luftforskning).
Project value: EUR 1 640 255
The project aims at strengthening the capacity of the Inspection of Environmental Protection to ensure timely and reliable data on air quality in Poland.
Strengthening the technical capacity of the Environment Protection Inspectorate through the purchase of measuring devices, laboratory equipment and computer tools - the project will be implemented by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in partnership with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (Norsk Institutt for luftforskning).
Project value: EUR 5 954 459
The project aims at strengthening the capacity of the Inspection of Environmental Protection in terms of its measurement and analytical infrastructure to ensure timely and reliable data on air quality in Poland.
Monitoring of the effects of the project Improvement of efficiency of the Inspectorate of Environmental Protection activity based on Norwegian experience, realized in the first edition of Norwegian and EEA funds - the project will be implemented by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in partnership with the Climate and Pollution Agency in Norway (Klima forurensnings Direktoratet og)
Project value: EUR 1 700 000
The project aims at improving the efficiency of inspections carried out by the Inspection of Environmental Protection by improving and increasing the effectiveness of inspectors’ work.
Spatial database model of the natural environment together with the management system in terms of cartographic thematic papers - the project will be implemented by the Head Office of Land Surveying and Cartography in collaboration with the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Statens Kartverk)
Project value: EUR 3 4 00 000
The main objective of the project is to develop a model of the spatial data base on environmental themes, in particular, including hydrographic and hydrologic data, together with the management system.