Innovation Norway has been appointed Programme Operator for a Green Industry Innovation program in Poland (PL18) financed under the Norway Grants financial period 2009-2014.
In order to achieve ambitious targets on improving the environment, the contribution of the private sector is of utmost importance. Implementation of the programme on Green Industry Innovation will enable more involvement of enterprises in the activities under Norway Grants, hence the only eligible applicants (Project Promoters) are enterprises registered in Poland.
Research institutions, NGOs, enterprises and clusters, both in Poland and Norway, will be eligible as project partners. It will be a broad cross-sectorial programme, dealing with both the development and market introduction of environmental technologies, and greening of existing industry. The expected outcomes from this programme area are: Realisation of business opportunities of greening the European economy and More use of environmentally friendly technologies.
Preparations are being made to launch the Call early 2014. More information about a Green Industry Innovation-programme can be found on and Polish entities are encouraged to include partnership with Norwegian entities in their project proposal.
This will fulfill the overall objective of Norway Grants to strengthen the bilateral relations between the Poland and Norway.
More info about the process can be obtained by contacting the Programme Manager Knut Ringstad on e-mail: